20 June 2008

Roger the Rocker II

Yesterday I came off morning sessions to be told that "Santa had arrived." I knew exactly what they meant by this as the night before I had, had an email from the guys at Squarerock saying my Rocker had been dispatched that day up to Dalguise. So straight after dinner it was down to the office where the boat was under lock and key to rip it out of it's bubble wrap and cloth sock and admire the plastic beauty. All was good again. I had my boat back in Scotland for a summer of dam release paddling on the likes of the Tummel, Morriston and Garry.

Once I had finished work for the day I got the delightful job of outfitting the Rocker to fit me just perfectly. This must have been the first time ever in my kayaking life where I had been able to outfit a boat and then float test it straight away. In fact I outfitted the boat sat besides the centre's raft build pond making small adjustments and then testing it on the water until I was left with what I wanted.

I've been back up in Scotland for little more than a week now and everything is a lot better than it was out in France. Work is pretty much the same, as is the social life, but I am independent again as my van is back in action. There's something about Scotland, I don't know what it is, but there's just something. Somethings special about this place. Something France did not have and no other place has either.

Good lines, stay safe and see you on the wet stuff...

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