18 April 2011


Phoebe Grace Robinson.

It's been a bit quiet on the climbing front for a while, especially when you compare the previous couple of months with the same months last year. This doesn't mean I'm turning into a couch potato. It's probably the opposite; I've started running around Carlisle seven times a fortnight so my general fitness has certainly improved.

The main reason for this decline in climbing activity is down to one person, Phoebe Grace Robinson, who was born on the 15th April 2011, weighing 8lb 7oz, meaning I'm spending a lot of time in and around the house, which I am actually enjoying more than I thought I would.

I head back to work on Friday so will probably get back on the rock soon after. This is because after finishing my dissertation, looking into the affects of fatherhood on outdoor participants, I've come up with a plan of action that revolves around climbing twice a week after work and spending the rest of the time in Carlisle either running, pulling on the fingerboard or entertaining Phoebe.

More pictures of Phoebe Grace can be found here.

Good lines, stay safe and see you on the wet stuff...

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