So on Wednesday I ranted and raved about the merits of being able to go climbing when it's dry, paddling when it's wet and walking when it's damp. Well yesterday I swapped the order around and went climbing when it was both wet and damp. There was a rather loose plan set the other week to meet at the climbing wall on the morning of the 30th April and head out climbing. This plan was backed up on Wednesday with the information that we would meet at 9:30 and head over to Trophet Wall on Great Gable. However, the weather was not helpful in allowing us to implement this plan so it all changed at the last minute.The new plan saw us haring down the M6, windscreen wipers on full, in the hope that the limestone of the Carnforth area would be bone dry. Weren't we being optimistic; it was, to put it simply, wet when we pulled up at Warton Small Quarry and the fact that it was raining did not help the cause. Anyway we managed to string together some climbing and get a few routes done before retreating to the George Washington.
Leading the Great Flake (VS 4c) at Warton Small Quarry.
Seconding the Great Flake (VS 4c).
After a cheeky pint in the George Washington plans were rehashed and Trowbarrow was the venue of choice. Again the rock was wet and it wasn't aided by the rain that started to fall just as we were gearing up. However, we pressed on and the rain abated and the rock began to dry, but this was all a bit too late as time was against us. What we did managed to achieve was impressive to say the least. We turned Jean Jeanie (VS 4c) into a multi-pitch route with the first pitch ending at a relatively small ledge, which we hoped would house four people.
At the end of the first pitch on Jean Jeanie (VS 4c).
We soon discovered the ledge wasn't big enough for four people and so headed back to the ground to sort out a mass of gear, which had been placed in every conceivable crack to ensure the hanging stance would fit four people. I'm sure it would have done if only the ledge was bigger. Before heading back north to the delights of Cumbria a spot of traversing was enjoyed over at the Red Wall.
Traversing Red Wall (7a).
More pictures can be found here.
Good lines, stay safe and see you on the wet stuff...