15 February 2009


It's eventually stopped being ridiculously cold, but it hasn't decided to rain or do much really, which is a bit annoying as this weekend was my 4 Star Kayak Leader Assessment and a bit of water would have gone down a treat. We managed to get down a rather scrappy Leven on the Saturday and then on the Sunday hit the North Lake's low-water option, the River Eden. I passed my assessment and now can get started on what I really wanted - 5 Star Kayak Leader.

A scrappy River Leven.

A sunny River Eden.

An Armathwaite Weir.

Not much else to say. I'm heading off to Scotland on Wednesday afternoon to explore some runs up near Ullapool with the Rainchaser boys and then the week after I'm thinking of hitting Lancashire up with a bit of climbing.

Good lines, stay safe and see you on the wet stuff...

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