19 November 2008


Anyone seen one of these knocking around the Lake District recently. The boat in question is a Mad River 15' Explorer owned by the University of Cumbria, which was last seen beside the boathouse at the Lakeside YMCA, Windermere on Saturday (15th November) night. It's got U.O.C and the university's Newton Rigg campus phone number written in it. There have been a fair few adjustments made to the boat so it is fairly identifiable by the people in the know. If you've got any details to the location of this canoe get in touch with the University of Cumbria's Newton Rigg campus and put a smile back on all the student's faces.

On a nicer note I've got no more lectures until Monday morning. In the meantime I'm off to Wales for some boating action with the other UniYaker lads so that a choice on location and the final expedition team can be made. It's all go, go, go...

Good lines, stay safe and see you on the wet stuff...

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