14 November 2008

Rain, Wind and Sunshine

Another Friday and another day of practical activities for my degree in Outdoor Leadership. Today was our final day of walking practicals before we move onto tasting another activity next week. With a weather forecast of gusting winds and rain we headed along the A66 to Blencathra to make an ascent along Hall's Fell Ridge for a bit of scrambling over wet rock and navigation in low cloud.

Looking up Gate Gill with Hall's Fell to the right and Gategill Fell to the left.

Scrambling up Hall's Fell Ridge in the rain and wind.

At 868m at Hallsfell Top with Pudsy.

The group spread out descending along the top of Foule Crag.

A bit of a biblical moment as the sun's rays focus on Threlkeld in the valley bottom.

It was a good day despite the weather; a bad day in the hills is always going to be better than a day in lectures. Tomorrow I should be off paddling on what looks like the Leven.

Good lines, stay safe and see you on the wet stuff...

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