03 September 2007


My tent floor.

1st July 10:03pm

Sand is a nightmare
It gets everywhere. To live
on a beach is hard.
A Haiku by Iain Robinson about sand.
Today was a good day for me. I don't know why really, but I just felt really at home down on the beach helping out with the sailing boats as there were no SOK sessions until the afternoon. Maybe because all the guys and gals of the water sports department have come to accept me as one of them and not just a newbie. This could be because yesterday I joined them in their protests against management.

I've now been at Tamaris a week, have got to know some people really well and some just by name. It is only time until I know these just as well. The last two nights at half seven I've been on ENTs, which is the evening entertainment sessions. I expected these to be hell, but they haven;t been that bad. This may be because of the great kids in the village I was working with who are from Walsall, not Birmingham. They put me straight on that quite quickly.

Good lines, stay safe and see you on the wet stuff...

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